Monday, May 28, 2012

tECKSas Comic Strip #1

This is a new comic strip series that I'm starting to chronicle funny goings on in the Travis Eck family.  These will probably be few and far between, but when inspiration strikes, I'll have somewhere to go with the idea.  This first strip was inspired by me and Shelley's trip to Galveston Beach on Memorial Day weekend 2012.  It was our first overnight outing without the kids since Jonas was born almost 2 years ago!  It was a great day...except for the seaweed.  

This is as big as I can make the preview, but you can double click on the image below to enlarge it!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day Back to School!

Sorry for the long lapse in posting on this blog. Busy busy. I'll try to catch up with some of this summer's pics soon.

This week the kids went back to school. This pic was just too funny not to post. Arwen LOVES school and was happy to be there. She just didn't want to take this picture. :)

The kids get out from school an hour before Shelley gets off work, so I take a late lunch 3 days a week and we go hang out for an hour. Here are a few pics we took at Bass Pro this afternoon. They both love the fish tank.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Our family was all in for Arwen's birthday party anyway, so we were blessed to be around some of our favorite mama's this year! If you're reading this blog, then that means YOU have a mother too! Aren't moms the best?!? Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!

Happy Birthday Arwen!!!

Arwen is turning 4 this week and the whole family (almost everyone) came in for the party. We ate lunch, yogurt, and cake at Counter Culture around 25 friends and family, then those that didn't need naps headed to the park to run off all those calories. ;-) Arwen had a VERY big day. Thank you to everyone who helped make it so special for her.

Easter in Keithville

We kept Easter plans pretty simple this year and just stayed close to home. After church, the Easter Bunny visited us and Arwen got to hunt eggs in her beautiful Easter dress. I would have gotten Easter pics of Jonas, but he was asleep during the egg-hunting festivities.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Trav meets Guster!!!

"Who is Guster?!?" you're asking yourself right now. Well, I'll tell you. They are one of my favorite bands these days, second only to Weezer. I discovered them last year and now I can't get enough of them. They've been around since the early 90's and are still going strong with a loyal fan base and a strong college following. They have a super-fun sound and really catchy songs. You might have heard "Satellite" or "Amsterdam", which are some of their more popular songs.

Anyway, my buddy, Jeremy, and I headed to Dallas last Friday night to see Guster play at the House of Blues. It was a great show and I knew all of the songs except for 2, which makes for a fun sing-a-long concert experience. Afterwards we hung around by the tour bus for over an hour with some other loyal fans and finally got the chance to meet the band as they got ready to leave. They were all really nice and were happy to take a few minutes to sign cd covers and take pictures. Check out my pics below.

Also, special thanks to my pal, Steve, and his wife, Kyna, for not only letting us crash at their house, but letting us do so at 2am. They were also nice enough to feed us an awesome breakfast. I will definitely tell all my friends about Steve's Bed, Breakfast & Bulldogs! Thanks Stevey!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day Trip for Papa Larry's Birthday!

We loaded up everyone and headed to Daingerfield for a quick trip on Sunday morning for Papa Larry's birthday! Arwen loves running around outside at his house, as you can see in the pictures. He has a beautiful view and lots of room to run and play in the dirt. She likes it. A lot. Jonas was happy to see his Papa and enjoyed being outside a lot as well. We brought a carrot cake, which is his favorite, and all dug in. We were back on the road by 4:00, but it was a nice trip.