Friday, September 24, 2010

Introducing Jonas

Today we welcomed a new member of our family into the world, Jonas Briar Eck. He was born at 5:32am after a grueling 25 1/2 hrs of labor. He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 20" long. We didn't labor with Arwen, as she was breach and had to be C-sectioned, so this was a new experience for all 3 of us (us and Jonas, that is). Shelley worked through some wicked-looking contractions with the resolve of a champ. After 21 hours of labor she decided that she had fought her good fight and asked for an epidural. After that things moved much faster and in 4 short hours later we met our son. He seems MUCH more relaxed than Arwen, so I look forward to how that dynamic at home will play out in the years to come. Arwen came by a few hours later and met her brother and brought him a stuffed dog. Many thanks to our doctor who worked with us the entire 25 1/2 hours and at this moment is still going strong almost 12 hours AFTER that. I would also like to thank our doula, Jen, the kind nurses who worked with us, and Mimi who took care of Arwen for us when we couldn't. What a day. What a boy!

1 comment:

  1. Baby Jonas is absolutely precious. I can attest to that since I got to meet him today! Love my new little nephew so much already! Congrats you guys for a job well done.
